Friday, February 4, 2011


As I look out my window I see a glacier, a 15"-18" snowpack that is so solid you can walk on top and not even make a footprint. That means there is a lot of water built up and melting will be a slow process, but can be accelerated by heavy rains. It doesn't look like we will be getting a heavy rain event anytime soon but we may see some rain on Saturday. It may start as snow then go to rain then back to snow at the end, with a total near 1"-2". But if we have a slightly colder storm then totals could quickly approach 4" and opposite for a warmer event. Just a few hours out the models are still all over the place with the system, so I may need to do an update tonight at 11:00 pm (with snow map).

Map for February 5th
Let's talk about next week now. First shot of snow is Tuesday when the arctic front moves through, that won't bring much but some areas that see snow squalls could pick up a quick 1"-2". Following the front is some of the coldest air this season and the risk of major northeast snowstorm by Thursday.

Right now this storm is way to far out to even decide the track. It could cut through the mountains bringing us another mix or go way out to sea missing us completely. But there is a middle zone that could bring us a massive blizzard.

Tip of the day:
Here is a picture of the corner of my house:

I wanted to show this picture and remind everyone that this is a dangerous situation. Thousands of pounds of ice falling on a warmer day (tomorrow) can fatally injure someone. Be aware of your surroundings, during the next two days these massive structures will be giving way to gravity!

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