Sunday, December 21, 2008

Long Range till January

This is my attempt at long range forecasting, I'm still new at it and it's only experimental methods I'm using.

Let's start closer to present day and move on.

12/24-25: It looks to be a wet Christmas rather than white :(

12/26-31: It looks like a seasonable pattern with a new years rain storm

1/1-5: We could see a shot of nice cold and prehaps a storm?

1/5-15: The pattern will shift, some say it will be extremely warm. Although I do believe we will have an EXTREME thaw in January I believe a big storm may come out of the clash of air masses.

1/15-30: As of that far I would just be guessing, or lieing, which ever you want to believe. Anyway, I do think that the BEST conditions of the season are NOW! So go to the resorts ASAP. The north Jersey snowpack could reach up to 20 inches in the Mountains after tomorrows storm. Go out, have fun, and enjoy the Vermont like conditions. They won't last long.

P.S. Monday will be the coldest day of the winter so far. Sussex county highs will be 12-16 degrees and lows from 4-9. Keep warm!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man..... not looking good at all :/ that stinks.....